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What people love about us! 

Amy Bruni,

Kindred Spirits & Ghost Hunter's 

" I own quite a few pieces of Paranormal Girl gear and I love that it's fashionable, comfortable and tells the world I'm proud to be into the Paranormal."

Tara Boren,

Paranormal Enthusiast

Former Manager at Ghost Adventures

"My Paranormal Girl sweatshirt is the embodiment of my love of the paranormal field. It's sassy on the outside, and soft on the inside. The quality is as 'beyond the normal' as the paranormal world itself. I wouldn't investigate without it!"

Dana Newkirk

Editor/Writer at Week in Weird

Curator at Traveling Museum of the Paranormal & Occult

"In a community where it's hard to display your love of the paranormal without being bombarded by a season horror fonts, cheesy illustrations, and scratchy fabrics, it's nice to finally find a a clothing line I can wear again, and again, and again! It's cute, cozy, and best of all spooky in all the right ways! Okay, so I'm a bit obsessed with Paranormal Girl."


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© 2010 Paranormal Girl by Mallie Fox

Designed by Teeleigh Designs
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